$60.00 USD

Every month

20 day trial
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HARA: Eastern Somatics & Nervous System Regulation 20 day Trial!

Hey Friend!

Have you been looking to de-stress, release old self-sabotaging patterns and to feel more at ease?

Life has been quite insane the past several years.

I think recent times and challenges have taught us all that we need to engage in healthy practices that mitigate our stress and remind us to stay calm and resourced.

My self-regulation practice has taught me that we can't always control circumstances but we can impact our state regardless of the circumstances.

It can be hard to do this on your own. Keeping our nervous system balanced and our stress at bay requires routine and practice.

It also requires that we learn some crucial skills. Skills develop through repetitive practice over time.

I taught classes for free during the pandemic and so many people told me that it made a huge difference for them.

So I'm officially offering :

HARA, a weekly class where I lead you in a unique blend of breathing practices, somatic practices, qigong, and yoga inspired techniques that effectively teach you how to release stress, calm your nervous system and enter a state of ease.

You'll be shocked at the effectiveness of these practices!

These are my favorite, time tested and most accessible practices from 26 years of dedicated practice, teaching and exploration.

The classes will give you immediate relief and at the same time you'll learn practices, tools and build skills that will make you a more centered and self-regulated being over time.

You'll receive the benefit of the best practices and sequences for stimulating the vagus nerve and becoming the calm and centered version of you!

Class is Ongoing - Join Anytime!

Live Class every Tuesday 9am - 10:15 PST (Recordings will be available via online protal)

Each class will involve routine of various practices, meditation and some instruction/lecture.

What you'll get:

  • Weekly live 1 hour HARA training session
  • Video archive of classes
  • Bonus resources and meditations
  • Community Hub access (coming soon)

What you'll learn:

  • Eastern Practices for Nervous System Regulation
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • Somatic Practices for releasing stress patterns and trauma
  • Simple techniques to remain centered in any circumstance
  • Meditation training to strengthen stress resilience and strengthening key executive brain functions for self-regulation 
  • Effective practices for emotional balance and regulation
  • Practices that support symptoms of Attachment Trauma
  • Practices for accessing Non-Dual and non-ordinary states of consciousness for healing and regulation.
  • Energetics Principles and Theory
  • Learn to work with Ki/Qi life force energy
  • How to ground your energy
  • How to shift the somatic and energetic patterns that are keeping you stuck in life.
  • Clear the somatic patterns that contribute to people pleasing, shutting down, insecure attachment, self-sabotage, feeling deprived, reactivity, dissociation
  • And More...

If you're new to me here's a little about me:BIO

 ** Note that this is an automatic recurring payment. You'll get the first 20 days for free without any charge to your credit card or paypal.After that, you'll automatically be put into a payment plan.

Please cancel before the 20 days if you want to prevent any unwanted charges. Feel free to message us if you accidentally miss the date. We are happy to refund you:)


Disclaimer: By Signing up the students understand and agree to the following:
Studentt is solely responsible for creating and implementing his/her/their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of or resulting from the classes. As such, the student agrees that the teacher is not and will not be liable or responsible for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the teacher. Student understands the classes are not therapy or medical advice and does not substitute for therapy or medical advice when needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
Client acknowledges that the classes do not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association or any physical diseases or disorders defined by the American Medical Association, and that the classes are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals and that it is the Client’s exclusive responsibility to seek such independent professional guidance as needed. Please consult the appropriate doctor or medical provider for advice before engaging in any physical exercise.